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Understanding E-Bike Laws in Nevada


As the popularity of electric bikes (e-bikes) continues to surge, riders are hitting the open roads and busy streets with newfound enthusiasm. However, before embarking on your next e-bike adventure in Nevada, either through fabulous Las Vegas or across beautiful stretches of the desert, you should first know more about the state’s laws, regulations, and definitions. With a bit more knowledge, you can help make your journey safer while also ensuring you adhere to any relevant laws along the way.

How Nevada Defines E-Bikes

E-bikes are equipped with an electric motor that assists with propulsion. Under this broad definition, there are many types of e-bikes on the market. However, Nevada uses more specific definitions to better categorize e-bikes.

The Nevada Department of Transportation sorts e-bikes into three distinct classes, each subject to specific regulations:

  • Class 1: E-bikes with a motor that assists only while the rider is pedaling and ceases to provide assistance when reaching a speed of 20 miles per hour are class 1.
  • Class 2: E-bikes equipped with a motor that can be used exclusively to propel the bike but ceases to operate when reaching a speed of 20 miles per hour are class 2.
  • Class 3: E-bikes with a motor that assists only while the rider is pedaling and ceases to provide assistance when reaching 28 miles per hour are class 3.

E-Bike Laws in Nevada

Why should you know the classification of your e-bike? Nevada law treats each class differently, so you could land in legal trouble if you use your e-bike in a way not permitted for that class.

Nevada laws that pertain to Class 1 and Class 2 e-bikes are:

  • Permitted on bike paths, multi-use paths, and shared-use paths unless specifically prohibited.
  • Allowed on roadways with a speed limit of 2 miles per hour or less.
  • Riders must be at least 16 years old.

Nevada laws that pertain to Class 3 e-bikes are:

  • Permitted on roadways with a speed limit of 25 miles per hour or less.
  • Not permitted on most bike paths, multi-use paths, and shared-used paths.
  • Riders must be at least 16 years old.
  • Helmet use is mandatory for riders under 18 years of age.

Nevada Revised Statute 484B.763

This statute applies traffic laws to e-bike riders, emphasizes their rights and duties, and aligns with conventional vehicle regulations.

Nevada Revised Statute 484B.777

Governing the operation of e-bikes on roadways, this statute outlines safe practices, including riding near the right side of the roadway and limitations on riding abreast.

Nevada Revised Statute 484B.270

Addressing the driver's duty of care, this statute mandates that motor vehicle drivers must not intentionally interfere with e-bike riders. It also outlines safe overtaking practices, emphasizing a minimum distance of 3 feet.

Safety First When Riding an E-Bike

While enjoying the freedom of e-biking in Nevada, always prioritize your safety. Always adhere to traffic rules, wear a helmet (even when not legally mandated), and exercise caution, especially when sharing paths with pedestrians. Familiarize yourself with local ordinances and restrictions to ensure a seamless and enjoyable e-biking experience with no run-ins with the law or accident risks.

From all of us at Bertoldo Carter Smith & Cullen in Las Vegas, we ask that you gear up, stay informed, and embark on your e-bike journey across the Silver State responsibly! Here’s to wishing you safe travels! If you are ever in an e-bike accident due to someone else’s mistakes, though, know that we’re always ready to lend a legal hand. You can call (725) 567-0612 at any time and schedule a free initial consultation with our e-bike lawyers.

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