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3 Pedestrian Safety Tips for Halloween

child dressed as a magician holding the left hand of a child dressed as a witch, walking to the front door of a house

Ways to Keep Your Trick-Or-Treaters Safe

Halloween is easily one of the most anticipated holidays for children globally: candy, costumes, and carving pumpkins make for the perfect night. However, most parents know that this holiday can come with many dangers—including reckless drivers.

To help your family make the most out of this day, we've provided three tips for pedestrian safety that will help you devise the perfect trick-or-treating plan. Read on to learn more.

1. Plan Ahead

As with any holiday, one of the easiest things you can do is plan ahead. You'll want to consider:

  • The neighborhood(s) you'll be trick-or-treating in.
  • If your child is old enough to go alone or needs supervision.
  • How many people will be in your group and how popular the area is during this time of year.

The night before is a great time to establish communication guidelines with your family regarding the above and ensure everyone is on the same page. Discuss what the children should do if an emergency arises or they get separated from the group and establish a designated meeting spot in the neighborhood if these occur.

2. Make Yourself More Visible to Drivers

Witches and vampires are classics, easy costumes that nearly every child uses at some point. However, the downside to these is that they often require dark clothing that makes kids nearly invisible when the sun goes down. For your safety, make adjustments to all costumes so that drivers can easily see you. These can be reflective stickers, bright-colored accessories, or even a turned-on flashlight.

3. Only Stay in Well-Lit Areas

Another way to increase visibility on this night is to only trick-or-treat in well-lit areas. Larger neighborhoods likely will have streetlights, as will any events you attend at local community centers like “trunk or treats.” Remember, most drivers are only looking for other cars on the road, so do what you can to be seen easily and quickly.

Bonus tip: teach your kids to only stop at the houses with their lights on. Not only will this ensure that you can be seen coming from a doorstep, but it will also work to prevent other injuries from trip and fall accidents.

Las Vegas Personal Injury Attorneys

The last thing any parent should be worried about on Halloween is whether a member of their family will be involved in a pedestrian accident. Know that you have the right to take legal action against a negligent driver on any night of the year.

Bertoldo Carter Smith & Cullen is here to help. Call (725) 567-0612 or fill out this short form to schedule a free consultation.
