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Why Truck Crashes & Injuries Are Different From Other Collisions


If you have been involved in a vehicle collision, you know how hard it is to get your life back on track.

The doctor visits, medical expenses, time away from work, and compromised quality of life can change your complete outlook while you heal, causing stress, anxiety, and physical pain that is hard to handle.

Unfortunately, those who have been involved in a crash with a large truck face these difficulties in some of the most severe ways, requiring long-term or lifelong medical care, and potentially losing the ability to return to work at all.

At Bertoldo Carter Smith & Cullen, our Las VegasNevada truck crash attorneys know all too well that a truck collision can disrupt life as our clients knew it, and even lead to the tragedy of losing a loved one in these crashes.

Before we can help pursue the best outcome for your truck crash injuries, it is important to understand why truck collisions are so different than passenger car crashes, so you can fully understand how we can help.

Reason One: The Size of the Truck

The average semi-truck is up to 30 times heavier than the average passenger vehicle, and the ground clearance allows more than enough room for smaller vehicles to become trapped underneath. The weight and size difference between carsmotorcycles, and large trucks can lead to serious or even fatal injuries.

Reason Two: The Severity of the Injuries

Because of the truck’s size, even low-speed collisions with much smaller vehicles may result in both emergency and long-term medical care.

Back and neck injuries and brain injuries can change the lives of the injured and the loved ones who are charged with their care.

When these injuries require life-long care, the financial and emotional toll it takes on the injured and their families can be devastating.

Reason Three: The Complexity of the Case

We have talked about the ways our accomplished truck collision attorneys in Las Vegas investigate who is liable for truck crashes, and how we put those facts to work to pursue our client’s full financial recovery.

Our Las Vegas truck crash lawyers have specific knowledge of trucking industry laws that are essential when building a case that places liability on the truck driver, the trucking company, a negligent third-party, or a combination of each.

Unrealistic schedules, poorly secured loads, or equipment failures can require an extended investigation by our law firm to ensure that each party is held financially responsible for their roles in our client’s injuries.

Reason Four: The Importance of Securing Compensation

Certainly, all vehicle collision injuries will require financial compensation to ensure those who are hurt are not responsible for the expenses that accompany their crash.

Truck collisions, however, add a level of depth that may require our lawyers to pursue several parties who have their own team of attorneys and insurance specialists who simply do not want to pay.

Insurance representatives will use extraordinary tactics to avoid paying claims, and when our clients are severely injured, they need more than a competent person to discuss their case with the negligent parties, they need an experienced attorney who can focus on pursuing the true financial compensation they deserve.

If you have been involved in a collision with a semi-truck, do not face the driver, trucking company, or the manufacturer alone. Contact our accomplished Clark County truck crash lawyers at Bertoldo Carter Smith & Cullen today by calling (725) 567-0612 to discover how we can design unique legal solutions to achieve success on your behalf.

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