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The Dangers of Defective Tires Increase in the Las Vegas Heat


At Bertoldo Carter Smith & Cullen, our Las VegasNevada product liability attorneys understand that the harsh summertime heat in our city can only increase the dangers of defective auto parts, especially tires that provide the only connection between your vehicle and the road.

The summer months in Las Vegas reach average temperatures of 100 degrees and higher, with the hottest temperature on record reaching 117 degrees. When your vehicle is already operating on defective tires, the heat can increase the dangers that can cause blowouts and tread separation. When a driver loses control because of tire defects, it can lead to serious vehicle collisions with injuries.

Victims may suffer from broken bones, severe burnsneck and spine injurieshead or brain injuries, and even wrongful death because of a tire manufacturer or other responsible party’s failure to ensure safe products were available to consumers. Our Las Vegas personal injury lawyers have extensive experience in handling these complex cases and can help you hold the negligent party responsible for your collision, injuries, and financial recovery.

What Types of Tire Defects Can Impact Safe Driving?

Without safe tires, the driver’s ability to control the vehicle is compromised, and unpredictable car collisions can occur without notice.

Multiple types of defects that could impact safe driving can include tires that:

  • Wear quicker than usual
  • Are prone to holes or blowouts
  • Shred easily with normal use
  • Are made with dangerous designs
  • Explode while driving
  • Are made without the proper components

Who Is Responsible for Defective Tires in Las Vegas?

Determining who is responsible for defective tires can be a complicated process that requires representation from veteran attorneys to establish who is at fault for these dangers.

At Bertoldo Carter Smith & Cullen, our Las Vegas defective auto parts lawyers have developed successful outcomes for tire failure victims that provided financial relief for the injuries.

The list of responsible parties could include the tire:

  • Designer
  • Distributor
  • Manufacturer
  • Marketer
  • Retailer
  • Shipping Company or Warehouse Storage Facility
  • Supplier
The extreme heat in Las Vegas, Nevada may not be kind to tires, but that does not mean it is the cause of their failure. If you have suffered from a tire malfunction that you believe is part of a product defect that led to a vehicle collision, contact our accomplished lawyers at Bertoldo Carter Smith & Cullen at (725) 567-0612 today to schedule a free consultation.
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