Reputation is everything. Judges, other attorneys, and our clients trust us to stand behind what we say. People can trust that if we promise we’ll do something, it’s going to happen. Yesterday I got a goof-ball (medical bills only) offer from an insurance adjuster who just didn’t like my client’s occupation or her treating physicians, even though her car was totaled and liability was clear. Hours after I got the insurance company’s stinky offer, I drafted a lawsuit (“Complaint”), and faxed it back to the insurance company with a cover letter. I promised them that, if I didn’t get the offer I originally wanted within 24 hours, I would file the complaint immediately. Because they knew me, and they knew the reputation of the law firm I work for, they knew I meant it. They knew their first offer was a joke. They called back the next morning and faxed over the offer I originally asked for. To me, that means the client wins. I think that’s the difference between lawyering at a firm that fights for their clients 100% versus simply getting a case settled.