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Wrongful Death Lawsuit for Attendee’s Death in Las Vegas Music Event


Electronic dance music enthusiasts look forward to the annual Electric Daisy Carnival event, also known as EDC, in Las Vegas, Nevada. The high-energy event typically features popular dance producers and DJs who perform live before a young crowd. In 2015, a 24-year old partygoer from California died due to a drug overdose on the second night of the music festival.

Wrongful Death Allegations

Poor Medical Training

Two years after the incident, the decedent’s parents filed a lawsuit against the festival’s promoters, alleging that their slow response to the decedent’s medical condition led to his death. The wrongful death lawsuit further alleged that medical personnel at the event site were poorly trained and the event’s medical resources were insufficient to meet the needs of tens of thousands of attendees at the time. It was reported that more than 1,400 medical calls were received and more than two dozen attendees were rushed to the hospital during the event that year.

Inadequate Medical Personnel

The parents alleged that their son collapsed after taking Ecstasy and that calls for medical help were futile due to the blaring music. A packed crowd also made it difficult for the other attendees to bring the decedent to the medical tent which was allegedly empty. When help did arrive, they were reportedly poorly trained for medical emergencies. The decedent died at the music festival’s venue.

Prior Incidents

The 2015 death is not the first to occur during the annual EDC event. Four other attendees had died before the 2015 EDC, and another death occurred in the most recent EDC event. Nationwide, around 29 attendees have reportedly died in various rave or dance party events due to drug use.

Public health and law enforcement officials have also issued warnings about the perils of ingesting Ecstasy or MDMA at these hours-long dance parties. These substances can cause body temperatures to rise to dangerous levels, leading to seizures, organ failure, coma, and even death.

Claiming Compensation for Wrongful Death

Depending on the circumstances of the incident, it may be possible to hold the event organizers legally responsible for the untimely death of attendees. Organizers and promoters who have control over their premises have a duty to prevent injury or harm among its invitees. Negligence leading to wrongful death must first be established before the decedent’s surviving heirs or estate can recover compensation in court.

If your family has lost a loved one due to the negligence of another person or party, talk to an experienced Las Vegas wrongful death attorney immediately about your legal options. Timeliness in filing a claim or lawsuit for wrongful death is vital because there are time limits for bringing your case in court. 

In Las Vegas, Nevada, call the law offices of Bertoldo Carter Smith & Cullen today and arrange for your free consultation (725) 567-0612.
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